Bet on Poker: How to play
“Bet-on-Poker” is a live game with similar rules and gameplay to the most popular poker game – Texas Hold’em Poker.The dealer deals twelve (12) cards face-up to six (6) Positions one at a time clockwise, so each Position receives two (2) face-up cards.
Later five (5) community cards (called the Board) are dealt face-up.
The goal of the game is to form the best five-card Combination using Position’s pocket cards and the Board. The Position or Positions with the highest-ranking Hand win.
A draw is possible in the game if more than one Position has the same highest Combination.The first round bets can be placed even before the pocket cards are dealt. Punters can place their bets on one or more available outcomes. Bets can be placed on an unlimited number of outcomes.
The second round bets can be placed when the pocket cards are dealt and odds are updated. Bets placed in the previous betting round have no impact on bets in the second betting round.
The third round bets can be placed after the Flop (the first three (3) community cards) is dealt face-up and odds are updated.
The fourth round bets can be placed after the Turn (the fourth community card) is dealt face-up and odds are updated.
Finally, the River (the fifth community card) is dealt and draw results are determined.
In case of a draw, winnings are paid to all punters who placed bets on any of the winning Hands in any of the betting rounds. All Positions and Hands win and all punters who placed bets on any Hand are paid their winnings if the best hand is placed on the Board.
Draws of the game run for 24/7 with maintenance breaks on demand.If you would like to read more about the Poker rules, please read this.